Should I see an Osteo if I have headaches?

Hello readers! It’s a new month which can mean only one thing… It’s time for a cuppa and a sit down so you can read our new blog. This month’s blog topic is one that millions of Australians (and billions around the world) can relate to. Have you ever had a headache? We’d be surprised if you said no, because a headache is one of the most common symptoms experienced by our species. Nearly everyone at some point in their life experiences a headache. If you or someone you know is part of the minority that has never had one, then come forth… Medical researchers will want to get their hands on you!

The list of headache types is as long as the distance between your shoulder and the tips of your fingers! Some types of headache are very common, others very rare. Some of the different types of headache include:

•           Tension-type

•           Migraine

•           Cervicogenic (i.e. something in the neck leading to pain felt at the head)

•           Eyestrain

•           Withdrawal

•           Dehydration

•           Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (i.e. a problem with the jaw joint causing head pain)

•           Many others of non-serious and serious causes


The burning question

If you have been a headache sufferer for a long time, there is a good chance you have tried every remedy out there. Finding the solution is hard, but fear not, help is at hand! We regularly get asked “can you help me with my headaches?” The answer is always “maybe”, but there is a good chance we can. So why see an osteo over another medical professional? The short answer is we’re awesome! The long answer is we are experts of anatomy of the human body (4-5 years of study!), we sit and listen to you tell your story, we have excellent problem-solving and clinical skills, we have magically soft, caring hands, and we are highly trained to help people get to the bottom of their ailments, headaches included. Other medical professionals are also awesome, we just love the osteopathic philosophy of treating the person and the body as a whole.

What to expect from your osteo

The reason a person is in pain is usually down to many factors. It is therefore very important to get a full story from each patient that presents with a problem. This is where we shine. Your initial consultation will entail a very thorough questioning session where we ask you lots of questions about your current issue, the history surrounding it, and other questions relating to your medical, lifestyle and work history. From the word go, we will be painting a picture of what is going on with you. From the information you give us and the questions we ask, we will be ruling in or out which type of headache you could be experiencing.

Some types of headache have very specific features, and we may be able to come to a conclusion quite quickly. Other types may be less easy to recognise, but by the end of the questioning we will have a list of conditions in our mind that we need to test for. This is where we perform our clinical tests. Some of the more common types of headache are due to problems relating to the muscles and joints around the neck and head region, so we'll ask if we can have a good feel of these areas. We’ll watch you move, then we’ll move you around, feel and compare between the two. We may need to test the nerves that give your head and neck their function, or we may need to take your blood pressure… Either way, we can do it all

For headaches, we will be particularly interested in what your head, neck, mid-back, shoulders and general posture look and feel like and how everything moves together. We will always be looking at the bigger picture though, so if you’re wondering why we’re checking the levels of your pelvis or the length of your legs, it’s because we’re searching for every possible reason as to why your headache is occurring. After careful consideration and once we are happy with our diagnosis, we will sit and have a chat about what is going on and what the plan is to get you feeling good again. At this point we’ll get to work on your body using the many techniques we have at our disposal. We will also offer advice on any lifestyle changes you may need to make to ensure the headache is being attacked from all angles. A headache diary is often a suggestion so we can keep track of your headaches from week to week. However, this will be discussed in your initial consultation.

Sometimes a headache can be the sign of a more serious problem that we may not be able to help you with. If this is the case, we will ensure you are directed towards the right people for the job. This may entail us writing a letter to your GP with our findings and recommendations. Whether we treat or not, you will receive the highest level of care from us. We pride ourselves on it!

Final comments

If you or anyone you know is experiencing headaches, please pick up the phone and call us on 0439 379 847 Now you know what we can do to help, we hope the next time you are asked the question “Should I see an osteo if I have headaches?”, your answer will be a solid YES!

P.s. We can even help with ice cream headaches (a.k.a ‘brain freeze’)… Our advice is simple—slow down and enjoy it! (we get how hard that is)