Sit Less, Move More



Did you know?

Living a sedentary lifestyle can be dangerous to your health with studies showing it can increase the risk of being overweight, developing type 2 diabetes or heart disease, depression and anxiety. Those who move around more during the day or stand at work have a lower risk of early death than our standard desk workers.  

The Australian Health Survey (2011-12) results showed that 60% of Australian adults do less than the recommended 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per day, with almost 70% of Australian’s being classed as sedentary or having low levels of physical activity.


Is sitting really the new smoking?

Various studies have found evidence that sitting for an hour watching TV cuts 22 minutes off our life span. This was compared to another study finding that per cigarette, smokers cut 11 minutes off their lives.


But, what if I exercise?

Unfortunately, just because you go for a run or hit the gym on a daily basis, it doesn’t counter the inactivity.


So what can I do?

Break up the sitting at work! You can do this implementing regular movements strategies into your work day:

  • Walk or cycle to work and leave the car at home
  • For longer trips, park the car a reasonable distance from work or the train station and walk/cycle the rest of the way
  • Get off a stop early on the train/tram/bus
  • Take the stairs instead of taking the elevator
  • Get up regularly (every 30 mins or so) to take a walk around the office, climb a couple of flights of stairs
  • Drink more water – not only is this better for your health but will increase your visits to the water cooler and bathroom
  • Walk over and talk to colleagues instead of emailing
  • Organise walking meetings
  • Take your lunch outside instead and enjoy a short walk on your lunch break