A possible and relatively common cause for searing back pain is a lumbar disc prolapse. Sit back with a coffee and let us take you through the ins and outs.
Stiff and painful neck? Facet joint injury explained
Introducing chronic pain and how to treat it
Hello everyone, and welcome to our July blog! This month we are going to be talking about pain.It’s a complex topic, so we have devised a little introduction to break it down so you can understand more on chronic pain - all in the name of National Pain Week which is due to take place at the end of this month.
The most common headache
Did you know it is estimated that 50% of the global adult population have experienced a headache within the last year alone - that’s over 3.5 billion people! We thought we’d start with the most commonly experienced headache throughout the general population. We introduce you to the ‘Tension-Type Headache’ (or TTH).
Five immune-boosting tips
Fatigue - When to Worry?
Are you experiencing an extreme tiredness that no amount of sleep seems to remedy? If this is the case, then you are possibly suffering from fatigue relating to a medical condition. There is every chance you are experiencing some other symptoms too. Luckily, we are about to educate you on some of the common causes of fatigue, so you know what to look out for, and can nip it in the bud quick time…
Women's Woes
Carpal Tunnel: Symptoms and treatment
Find the Balance: Upper Crossed Syndrome
This month we’re focusing some attention on postural balance throughout the body. It’s the 21st Century, and our lives are filled with lots of weird and wonderful technology, such as TVs, laptops, computers and mobile phones, just to name a few. Over prolonged periods, this can wreak havoc on our bodies, altering our posture, and placing undue strain on our muscles and joints. One common condition that might come out of this said lifestyle is Upper Crossed Syndrome (UCS). Read on… (Please sit with a good posture to read!)
Is it Time to Make a Move to the Dark Side?
Do you have office worker posture?
Understanding a "Slipped Disc"
If you have an issue with one or more of your spinal discs, you’ve likely heard the term “slipped disc.”
Osteopaths can assist in treating disc injuries and back pain by releasing the surrounding structures which can help to reduce the compression through the disc and irritation of the surrounding nerves. It is important to have these injuries addressed and begin rehab as soon as possible to get you back to your full function.
Are you 1 in 6 Aussies complaining of this condition?
My 9 TOP TIPS for Preventing Running Injuries
If you’re running to keep fit, try something new or training for your first half marathon, then this is the blog for you. Aches and pains will still happen (all part of being a runner), but if you follow this advice you’ll dramatically cut down your injury risk and continue doing what you love and achieving your goals…
Spring is around the corner and soon the warmer weather will encourage us to lace up and hit the ground running. Running places a huge demand on our joints, muscles and tendons and if demand is increased too quickly, can leave susceptible to injuries and overuse issues.