This month we discuss Pes Planus, otherwise known as “flat feet”. If you have ever been told you have flat feet, then give this blog a read…
Fractures Let’s ‘break’ it down
Injury blog: Winging of the shoulder blades
Hey everyone! We hope you are keeping well. We’re carrying on with life as close to normal as possible, so here is your monthly reading material. Perfect time for a tea or coffee we say! This month we’re taking a close look at the shoulder, specifically a condition that affects the shoulder blade. Do you have, or have you ever seen someone whose shoulder blades stick out on their back and look a little bit like wings? This condition is aptly named ‘winging’ of the shoulder blades. Read on to find out more!
Bracing: when it is helpful and when it isn’t
Vertigo: symptoms and treatment
Welcome back readers! This month we are switching focus to the head, and specifically a condition which causes a person to feel dizzy. We welcome you to the world of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). In simple terms, a non-serious sudden attack of dizziness brought on by a change in head position.
The effect of obesity on the body
Obesity is, and has been for a long time, a hot topic. The stats on obesity are startling… The World Health Organisation (WHO) report that global obesity rates have tripled since 1975. In 2016, it was estimated that 1.9 billion adults were overweight across the world, with a third of those being obese (this stat rose to 2.1 billion in 2019). In that same year, 41 million children under 5 years of age were classified as overweight or obese. This is worrying stuff. But what is obesity, and what does it mean to be obese?
Should I see an Osteo if I have headaches?
Hello readers! It’s a new month which can mean only one thing… It’s time for a cuppa and a sit down so you can read our new blog. This month’s blog topic is one that millions of Australians (and billions around the world) can relate to. Have you ever had a headache? We’d be surprised if you said no, because a headache is one of the most common symptoms experienced by our species. Read on to find out how an Osteo can help you…
The Benefits of Fasting
Injury blog: Student’s elbow
This month's blog is about a common elbow injury. Ever heard of student’s elbow? “But I’m not a student!” we hear you say. Well you don’t have to be to fall victim to this condition. Students elbow, or ‘Olecranon Bursitis’ is a condition where a small sack of tissue over the tip of your elbow becomes inflamed and swollen. Read on to find out all about it!
Exercises to try in the New Year
We know many of you will be entering 2020 with the goal of getting fit and we salute you. It is never too late to do more for your health and there is no better time than a new year to make a fresh start. As part of your osteopathic treatment, we offer advice on how you can use exercise to better yourself, so we thought a short blog on different exercises you could try this new year would be a worthwhile read. Now go and get your gym gear out, you’re going to need it!
Healthy Habits for 2020
Hello to our readers and a very Happy New Year to you all! We trust you have had a jolly good break over the holiday season. We’re getting straight into it this month. January… as your trusty go-to health advisors, we’re here to give you some tips on making 2020 a healthy year. Please read on for your healthy habit manual.
Staying healthy this Christmas
Christmas is finally here! This month we’re giving you some awesome tips on keeping yourself healthy over the Christmas period. We all know how easy it is to eat and drink too much and move too little when the treats come a’ calling! Try some of these handy hints when you find yourself overindulging this silly season:
Injury blog: Shoulder impingement
Suffering from shoulder pain? Lucky for you that our December blog is all about shoulder pain… We’re good like that! As osteopaths, shoulder pain is up there as one of the most common complaints we treat, after lower back and neck pain. Read on to find out more about a common shoulder complaint: Shoulder (Subacromial) Impingement.
Anatomy lab: The thyroid gland
Let’s talk TMJ dysfunction
Safety at work
Work is a big part of most people’s lives and is often a significant contributing factor to their pain. This month we’re giving advice on two key areas to ensure you are looking after yourself at work, so you can avoid injury and keep food on the table. All in the name of ‘National Safe Work Month’! Read on to ensure you are giving yourself the best possible chance of staying injury-free at work.
Osteoarthritis: aging and your body
This month we are turning our focus to the elderly - an ever-growing population. In a clinical setting, us Osteos see our fair share of older patients, and a common degenerative condition affecting the elderly population is osteoarthritis (OA). This most commonly affects the joints in the hips, knees and spine - particularly those of the neck and lower back. Read on to find out what OA is, what you may experience and what to do if you think you have it.
Pain from within - Why pain isn’t always simply a strain or sprain
The Lymphatic System
Why your Osteo wants you to sleep
Did you know that sleep is good for you? You might be thinking well that’s obvious isn’t it? However, you might be surprised to hear that nearly 10% of the Australian adult population (that’s over 1.5 million people) suffer from some form of sleep disorder and are living with consistent, insufficient levels of sleep. Read to find out just how important sleep is…